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KM Awareness & Attention
Raising awareness of the business benefits of collaborative learning and KM is often more powerful coming from someone outside your organization. We have unique experience engaging leaders and teams from the C-Suite to the shop floor with examples of near and far market applications and impact of KM.
Our experience in both the public and private sectors enables us to share powerful stories of KM that cut across commercial and government lines of service. For example, did you know that KM has been a key enabler in transforming the US Army over the last 15 years? Or, that application of KM practices have delivered hundreds of millions of dollars in operational savings and added production in manufacturing plants? We have specific examples in each of these areas that might help your senior leaders and stakeholders envision new possibilities for their business and missions.
Our conversations always focus first on the business case and impact on mission performance. We design our engagement sessions, whether face-to-face or virtual, to create new possibilities for business leaders and their customers. And, we are experts at exciting and gaining commitment of the budget holders and the people in the line.
Contact us to learn how we can help you quickly and powerfully engage key stakeholders in the possibilities of KM.